Personal Trainer


Hello,Personal Trainer Yarania

My name is Yarania Rodriguez!

My name is Yarania Rodriguez! I am currently enrolled in my last semester at ASU working towards a BS in Clinical Exercise Science. I am also the Vice President of an all-female weightlifting club, where I help foster a supportive and empowering community for women in fitness. I’m a graduate of the National Personal Training Institute, and my mission as a trainer is to empower and inspire individuals to become the best versions of themselves. I will work to create personalized workout plans that suit your unique needs, preferences, and lifestyle! I can assure you that I am fully committed to providing you with the best coaching experience possible, and I am eager to see the progress we can make together. Let's do this!

Yarania Rodriguez,  Personal Trainer

Education and Certifications include:

BS in Clinical Exercise Science
The National Personal Training Institute graduate
Vice President of an all-female weightlifting club

This site and the opinions I express here do not necessarily represent those of the organizations or the people I work with. The information I provide is on an as-is basis with no representations expressed or implied. I will not be liable for any errors or omissions in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its use.

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